Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Planting Our Green Roof for the Spring!

Yesterday morning we planted strawflowers, sweet allyssum, and strawberries on the growing, green roof of our farm stand on 59 Main Street in Dover Mass. We're excited to be getting the stand ready to open as it presages the beginning of our CSA, and the true and proper beginning of our 2010 season! The stand is till based so it will be open even if we're not there all day seven days a week (though we'll bring the stock somewhere more protected from the elements overnight. Before the next two weeks is up we'll have the shelves of our little roadside stand stocked with farm fresh eggs, raspberry starts, asparagus, and hearty greens, all grown on the farm without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers, fresh picked and delicious. Stop by and say hello!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, I smell fresh air! That's a lovely breeze of air, indeed! I can imagine the strawberries growing and plucking them when they're nice and ripe. Yummy! If every roof is like that, all of us will be diabetic! LOL!

    >Max Boughner
